Tajik grammar

Persian language

Regional and social varieties:


Language features:

Writing systems:

Geographic distribution:

This article describes the grammar of the standard Tajik language as spoken and written in Tajikistan. In general, the grammar of the Tajik language fits the analytical type. Little remains of the case system, and grammatical relationships are primarily expressed via clitics, word order and other analytical constructions. Like other modern varieties of Persian, Tajik grammar is almost identical to the classic Persian grammar, although there are differences in some verb tenses.



Nouns are not marked for grammatical gender, although they are marked for number. Natural gender is usually distinguished by a change of word, like English, e.g. мурғ (murgh) 'fowl' and хурӯс (khurūs) 'rooster'. Alternatively the modifiers 'нар' (nar) for male or 'мода' (moda) for female can be pre or post-posed to the noun, e.g. хар-и нар (khar-i nar) 'male donkey' and хар-и мода (khar-i moda) 'female donkey'.

Two forms of number exist in Tajik, singular and plural. The plural is marked by either the suffix -ҳо (-ho) or -он (-on), although Arabic loan words may use Arabic forms. The suffix -он is primarily used with animate nouns, whereas -ҳо can be used with any. For example, the singular for 'horse' is асп (asp), and the plural, 'horses' can be either аспҳо (aspho) or аспон (aspon). Typically, the -он (-on) ending is reserved for animate objects, although this is not always true. For example, body parts that come in pairs, such as даст ("dast"), meaning "hand" and чашм ("chashm"), meaning "eye" are pluralized as дастон ("daston") and чашмон ("chashmon"), respectively.

The article does not exist, although the definite direct object is marked by a suffix, -ро (-ro). The use of this suffix is mandatory when a previously referenced object is being talked about.

ин китобро хондам
in kitob-ro khondam
this book read-I
"I read this book"
китоб хондам
kitob khondam
book read-I
"I read a book"

Nouns may exhibit several suffixes. Of these suffixes, the plural marker is found first, followed by any possessive markers followed by the direct object marker. For example in the following noun:


This may be understood as [kitob [-ho pl [-yaton 2nd person pl. [-ro direct object marker] ] ] ], translation: "your (pl.) books"


There is no agreement of the adjective, or modifier with the head word. Adjectives do not take the plural markers -он or -ҳо. Typically, adjectives follow the nouns they modify, and are linked with the izafet construction (called izofa in Tajik), for example: китоби хуб (kitobi khub, good book) and китобҳои хуб (kitobhoi khub, good books). However, the superlative typically precedes the noun. For example,

кӯҳи баланд (kūhi baland, tall mountain)
кӯҳи баландтар (kūhi balandtar, taller mountain)
баландтарин кӯҳ (balandtarin kūh, tallest mountain)

Comparative forms use the suffix '-тар' (-tar), while superlative forms use the suffix '-тарин' (-tarin).


The izofa-construction (from изофа, اضافه, meaning 'addition') is the name given to the combination of a head word and a modifier (for example an adjective) using the unstressed enclitic, -и, (-i). In the plural, the enclitic is placed after the plural marker.

духтари хушрӯй
dukhtar-i khushrūy
girl beautiful
"beautiful girl"
духтарони хушрӯй
dukhtaron-i khushrūy
girls beautiful
"beautiful girls"

Pronominal enclitics and the definite marker are placed at the end of the izafet-construction, for example, китоби хубам (kitobi khubam), "my good book".


Forms of the personal pronouns with English language equivalent(s).

Person Singular Plural
1st ман (man) 'I' мо (mo) 'we'
2nd ту (tu) 'you' and Шумо (Shumo) [polite form of you] шумо (shumo) or шумоён (shumoyon) 'you all'
3rd ӯ, вай (ū, vay) 'he, she, it' онҳо (onho) 'they'

The 2nd person plural, шумо also finds use as the polite form of the 2nd person. In written Tajik, this polite usage is distinguished by the capitalisation of the term шумо, for example, Шумо кай меоед? (shumo kay meoed?), trans. "when are you coming?" vs. шумо кай меоед?, trans. "when are you (all) coming?" ***Note in Northern Dialects of Tajik, the plural form of шумо is шумоён (shumoyon) and is conjugated as кай шумоён меоедетон? ("kay shumoyon meoyedeton?) or when are you all coming?

Enclitic forms

There are enclitics used after words to denote possession.

Person Singular Plural
1st -ам (-am) 'my' -амон (-amon) 'our'
2nd -ат (-at) 'your' -атон (-aton) 'your'
3rd -аш (-ash) 'his/her/its' -ашон (-ashon) 'their'

For example: китоб (kitob, "book"), китобам (kitobam, "my book"), китобат (kitobat, "your book"). When following a vowel, for example китобҳо (kitobho, books), the leading '-а' is changed to '-я'. The phrase "their books", would be китобҳояшон (kitobhoyashon).


Tajik English
аз (az) from, through, across
бо (bo) with
бар (bar) on, upon, onto
ба (ba) to
бе (be) without
дар (dar) at, in
чун (chun) like, as
то (to) up to, as far as, until



See also